Nadia and Mo doing a Parelli level one course
After our success in winning tickets to the NEC to see the Parelli UK Conference Nadia has become a little obsessed with all things Parelli!
Not content with DVDs, carrot sticks and Savvy strings we've actually been using them! Yes I do mean we as Jemma and I are also getting involved, if nothing else to show the youngster how it's done!!!!!
We've already done a full 'Play day' when we took both horses out to a proper Parelli play day with loads of other nutters who like trying to get their horses to walk over tyres and through flags!
This wasn't enough for Nadia and she's determined to pass the assessments and so went on a training weekend with Russell Higgins, a level three instructor from New Zealand. I was in the crowd for moral support and to try and get my little head round the 'circle game' - no pun intended! Pictures of the day are to your right.
It was a great weekend and I think I learned loads - time will tell! Thanks to Russell for the course, to Stacey for organising it and to all the others on the course for making it such good fun. Oh, and good luck with it all!