Past creations - Cranfield University

This section of the site will list as many of the sites that I either created or worked on while employed by Cranfield University. My role at the university is to develop university wide sites such as the prospectus, annual report etc. The schools and other major departments have total autonomy and can and have developed sites independent of what was happening in the centre!

During my time at Cranfield my team has included: Tara Beattie, Jason Carvalho and Lesley Branston and as with my Mercury examples I will ensure that credit is correctly given for the work undertaken.

My role at Cranfield also covers policies and where possible (and legally possible) I will give examples of any of these I created.

Project examples, in no particular order:

Please note that I made a decission many years ago that this was my personal site and I didn't want to confuse the work and private roles so I'm not going to publish much here while still employed at Cranfield. If/When I leave I will try to upload more samples of my work.

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